Saturday, September 12, 2009
Music video "Many" posted on Youtube!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009
In Deep Worship 3

"More" is featured in the latest CD release "ID3"... a collection of worship songs written and performed by Singaporean musicians! It was wonderful to work with the In Deep Worship ministry and their partners such as Integrity Music Asia and Beep Music. I'm really looking forward to more collaboration. Thank you all for your precious affirmation and encouragement. Praise the Lord for the joy of worshipping Him together!
Check out the In Deep Worship website
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Music video for MORE
Music video for "More"
Original Song written by Averil Leong, performed by Adam Lee, Agapella, Amanda Lee, Belinda Foo, Ignatius Bong, Jimmy Lee (2008)
In tune but out of tune
“Just focus on the Lord… Just focus on the Lord...” I kept telling myself during service. As hard as I tried, the instrument that was a fraction out of tune seemed so jarring, I thought my insides were getting twisted. Reaching my threshhold in a matter of seconds, I blurted out in frustration to God, “Surely You can hear that, Lord!”
“Of course, I am perfect.” came the response. “In fact, I can hear much more than human ears can. I can hear those who are playing and singing in perfect rhythm and pitch but who are still out of tune.” Immediately, 1 Corinthians 13:1 came to mind, “Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become as sounding brass or a clanging cymbal.”
Then it struck me that beyond the external sounds, God is listening to the rhythm and tune in our hearts. Many of us faithfully go to church or attend bible study or serve in a ministry. But how many of us can honestly say this everytime: “I’m going to church / bible study / serving today because I’m just overwhelmed by His love. Period.”
If we would constantly nurture a loving relationship with the Lord and let His love overflow into everything we do (instead of running on our own strength or running on empty), we would not be easily distracted by what others do around us.
It’s time we put equal (or rather, more) emphasis on improving our spiritual pitching. Have you ever wondered how you sound to God?
“Of course, I am perfect.” came the response. “In fact, I can hear much more than human ears can. I can hear those who are playing and singing in perfect rhythm and pitch but who are still out of tune.” Immediately, 1 Corinthians 13:1 came to mind, “Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become as sounding brass or a clanging cymbal.”
Then it struck me that beyond the external sounds, God is listening to the rhythm and tune in our hearts. Many of us faithfully go to church or attend bible study or serve in a ministry. But how many of us can honestly say this everytime: “I’m going to church / bible study / serving today because I’m just overwhelmed by His love. Period.”
If we would constantly nurture a loving relationship with the Lord and let His love overflow into everything we do (instead of running on our own strength or running on empty), we would not be easily distracted by what others do around us.
It’s time we put equal (or rather, more) emphasis on improving our spiritual pitching. Have you ever wondered how you sound to God?
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Reflection: the "trilogy" of Worship
In worship, we are like a vehicle that requires 3 main components in order to fulfill its function :
1. HEART – the vehicle chassis (engine, mechanical system & frame)
2. HANDS – the vehicle body (body panels covering the chassis, doors, glass, seats)
3. HOLY SPIRIT – fuel for the vehicle (petrol / diesel / other gases)
§ 1 John 4:8 “He who does not love, does not know God, for God is love.” (NKJV)
- Our heart, the centre of our emotions is where it begins ; the 1st touch from God that lead us to the altar; the 1st love that keeps us going & to which we must keep returning (Rev 2:4).
§ 1 John 4:19 “We love Him because He first loved us.” (NKJV)
- Thus, we worship as a response to God’s love.
§ As the vehicle chassis is made up of not only the engine, but includes the related mechanical system & frame, when we mention “worship”, we will spontaneously picture verbal responses like singing, shouting, proclaiming (“For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks” Matt 12:34b NKJV) & accompanying acts like raising of hands & dancing etc.
With the chassis built, let us now move on to assemble the vehicle body…
§ John 14:15 “If you love me, show it by doing what I’ve told you.” (TM)
§ 1 John 4:20-21 “If someone says, “I love God,” but hates a Christian brother or sister, that person is a liar… And He has given us this command: Those who love God must also love their Christian brothers and sisters.” (NLT)
- Love must be confirmed by acts / works. How we conduct our daily lives, relate to & serve others (including ministry involvement) is a statement of our love / worship towards God. Worshipping God with only our hearts & not our hands is mere lip service & falsehood.
§ Eze 33:31 “So they come to you as people do, they sit before you as My people, and they hear your words, but they do not do them; for with their mouth they show much love, but their hearts pursue their own gain.” (NKJV)
Although we’ve now got the whole vehicle assembled & road-worthy, it still can’t function effectively without the energy source – the fuel…
§ Luke 24:49 “And now I will send the Holy Spirit, just as my Father promised. But stay here in the city until the Holy Spirit comes and fills you with power from heaven.” (NLT)
- Many genuinely love God with their hearts & hands but find it a struggle to live lives in accordance to God’s will & staleness in their personal devotions / times of “praise & worship” / ministries due to a lack of the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. It is equivalent to moving the vehicle by pushing it with our hands - without fuel.
§ 2 Samuel 5:19-20 “ So David inquired of the Lord… & he said, “The LORD has broken through my enemies before me, like a breakthrough of water.” “ (NKJV)
Surely we are utterly dependent on God from beginning to end - to ignite our hearts with revelations of God’s love, overflowing it to respond in action, & to bless, establish & prosper the works of our hands with His empowerment
In worship, we are like a vehicle that requires 3 main components in order to fulfill its function :
1. HEART – the vehicle chassis (engine, mechanical system & frame)
2. HANDS – the vehicle body (body panels covering the chassis, doors, glass, seats)
3. HOLY SPIRIT – fuel for the vehicle (petrol / diesel / other gases)
§ 1 John 4:8 “He who does not love, does not know God, for God is love.” (NKJV)
- Our heart, the centre of our emotions is where it begins ; the 1st touch from God that lead us to the altar; the 1st love that keeps us going & to which we must keep returning (Rev 2:4).
§ 1 John 4:19 “We love Him because He first loved us.” (NKJV)
- Thus, we worship as a response to God’s love.
§ As the vehicle chassis is made up of not only the engine, but includes the related mechanical system & frame, when we mention “worship”, we will spontaneously picture verbal responses like singing, shouting, proclaiming (“For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks” Matt 12:34b NKJV) & accompanying acts like raising of hands & dancing etc.
With the chassis built, let us now move on to assemble the vehicle body…
§ John 14:15 “If you love me, show it by doing what I’ve told you.” (TM)
§ 1 John 4:20-21 “If someone says, “I love God,” but hates a Christian brother or sister, that person is a liar… And He has given us this command: Those who love God must also love their Christian brothers and sisters.” (NLT)
- Love must be confirmed by acts / works. How we conduct our daily lives, relate to & serve others (including ministry involvement) is a statement of our love / worship towards God. Worshipping God with only our hearts & not our hands is mere lip service & falsehood.
§ Eze 33:31 “So they come to you as people do, they sit before you as My people, and they hear your words, but they do not do them; for with their mouth they show much love, but their hearts pursue their own gain.” (NKJV)
Although we’ve now got the whole vehicle assembled & road-worthy, it still can’t function effectively without the energy source – the fuel…
§ Luke 24:49 “And now I will send the Holy Spirit, just as my Father promised. But stay here in the city until the Holy Spirit comes and fills you with power from heaven.” (NLT)
- Many genuinely love God with their hearts & hands but find it a struggle to live lives in accordance to God’s will & staleness in their personal devotions / times of “praise & worship” / ministries due to a lack of the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. It is equivalent to moving the vehicle by pushing it with our hands - without fuel.
§ 2 Samuel 5:19-20 “ So David inquired of the Lord… & he said, “The LORD has broken through my enemies before me, like a breakthrough of water.” “ (NKJV)
Surely we are utterly dependent on God from beginning to end - to ignite our hearts with revelations of God’s love, overflowing it to respond in action, & to bless, establish & prosper the works of our hands with His empowerment
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
The Lord is El-Shaddai
It did cross my mind to share some thoughts about the wonderful El-Shaddai Conference immediately after it took place. I thought: "that will be easy! Everything's still so fresh in my mind." Then I felt that perhaps it might be more meaningful to write something only after the "dust has settled". And now that it's been some weeks after, I can accurately discribe the golden nuggets that's been left for me.
I've been listening to songs by Michael Card since the 1980s. When he featured as a key speaker in the conference however, this was the first time I encountered him in person. The thing that struck and stuck with me was his somewhat "contradictory behaviour" as an undoubtedly gifted & successful singer, musician cum song writer. Evidently warm, humble, simple in speech and presentation, he exhibited profound depth and devotion to God. Throughout the conference, he kept directing our focus to the Lord and His Word. During the 2 hour long concert, he encouraged the audience to "go back & read the Old Testament" at least four times, wetting our appetites to savor the flavours of the first 39
books in the bible with songs he wrote. Surely, we have been privileged to share and enjoy the fruit of the life of one who constantly "flees" to Jesus. Thank you, Michael !
Christ's always,
I've been listening to songs by Michael Card since the 1980s. When he featured as a key speaker in the conference however, this was the first time I encountered him in person. The thing that struck and stuck with me was his somewhat "contradictory behaviour" as an undoubtedly gifted & successful singer, musician cum song writer. Evidently warm, humble, simple in speech and presentation, he exhibited profound depth and devotion to God. Throughout the conference, he kept directing our focus to the Lord and His Word. During the 2 hour long concert, he encouraged the audience to "go back & read the Old Testament" at least four times, wetting our appetites to savor the flavours of the first 39
books in the bible with songs he wrote. Surely, we have been privileged to share and enjoy the fruit of the life of one who constantly "flees" to Jesus. Thank you, Michael !
Christ's always,
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Background to the song "More"
Case 1 :
She was stopped at the red light junction. The light turned green but she was a little slow in moving off. The car behind her started blasting the horn continuously while tailing her for some distance (although the overtaking lane was empty). It then veered to the right and back to the left sharply in front of her (causing her to jam her brakes to avoid a near accident), before it sped off. When she reached the church car park a while later, she saw the same vehicle parked there.
Case 2 :
A lady approached a car dealer friend of ours to buy her used car. She was bragging about how well it had been maintained. Over the negotiations, she also told the car dealer how good Jesus was and invited our friend to go to her church. A week later, she handed her car over to complete the transaction. To the our friend's horror, the inside of the car was covered with trash - much unlike how it looked a week ago. When he sent it for a thorough grooming, he also discovered some broken parts deliberately concealed.
These are just a few of the shameful testimonies we encounter from professing Christians. I've been guilty of the same. Being the first in my family to accept Christ, I was young and ignorant. During my early days of faith, I was foolishly and insensitively "zealous for God". I would scoot off very early on Sunday mornings and return home late ; spend the most parts of my Saturdays on "church activities". With whatever time I had left, I would shut myself in the room reading the Bible or Christian books. Incredibly, I was always available to do something "for the church" but hardly free to help with household chores, run simple errands for my parents or tidy up after myself. I would eagerly lend a listening ear for brothers and sisters in Christ, but would not have time to even hold a minute of conversation with any of my family members. Increasingly my family felt they "lost" me to the church. Instead of being God’s light and a testimony to His goodness, my family was inevitably put off. They may not have knowm what the Bible says but they sure knew that I changed for the worse in the first year I became a Christian! It was not a good testimony at all!
However, I thank God for gradually opening my eyes through the mirror of His word, the power of the Spirit transforming me to be more like Jesus and His gracious redemption for my foolish acts. I also thank God for those fellow Christians whose lives changed drastically for the better, kicking off addictions, bad habits and winning family and friends over by their godly conduct. You have been an example for me and for many!
Surely action speaks louder than words. May my talk, walk, actions, reactions and even my demeanour increasingly honor and glorify God. The song "More" is my daily prayer and goal :
"More than words, let my life speak."
Christ's always,
She was stopped at the red light junction. The light turned green but she was a little slow in moving off. The car behind her started blasting the horn continuously while tailing her for some distance (although the overtaking lane was empty). It then veered to the right and back to the left sharply in front of her (causing her to jam her brakes to avoid a near accident), before it sped off. When she reached the church car park a while later, she saw the same vehicle parked there.
Case 2 :
A lady approached a car dealer friend of ours to buy her used car. She was bragging about how well it had been maintained. Over the negotiations, she also told the car dealer how good Jesus was and invited our friend to go to her church. A week later, she handed her car over to complete the transaction. To the our friend's horror, the inside of the car was covered with trash - much unlike how it looked a week ago. When he sent it for a thorough grooming, he also discovered some broken parts deliberately concealed.
These are just a few of the shameful testimonies we encounter from professing Christians. I've been guilty of the same. Being the first in my family to accept Christ, I was young and ignorant. During my early days of faith, I was foolishly and insensitively "zealous for God". I would scoot off very early on Sunday mornings and return home late ; spend the most parts of my Saturdays on "church activities". With whatever time I had left, I would shut myself in the room reading the Bible or Christian books. Incredibly, I was always available to do something "for the church" but hardly free to help with household chores, run simple errands for my parents or tidy up after myself. I would eagerly lend a listening ear for brothers and sisters in Christ, but would not have time to even hold a minute of conversation with any of my family members. Increasingly my family felt they "lost" me to the church. Instead of being God’s light and a testimony to His goodness, my family was inevitably put off. They may not have knowm what the Bible says but they sure knew that I changed for the worse in the first year I became a Christian! It was not a good testimony at all!
However, I thank God for gradually opening my eyes through the mirror of His word, the power of the Spirit transforming me to be more like Jesus and His gracious redemption for my foolish acts. I also thank God for those fellow Christians whose lives changed drastically for the better, kicking off addictions, bad habits and winning family and friends over by their godly conduct. You have been an example for me and for many!
Surely action speaks louder than words. May my talk, walk, actions, reactions and even my demeanour increasingly honor and glorify God. The song "More" is my daily prayer and goal :
"More than words, let my life speak."
Christ's always,
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