Tuesday, June 9, 2009

In tune but out of tune

“Just focus on the Lord… Just focus on the Lord...” I kept telling myself during service. As hard as I tried, the instrument that was a fraction out of tune seemed so jarring, I thought my insides were getting twisted. Reaching my threshhold in a matter of seconds, I blurted out in frustration to God, “Surely You can hear that, Lord!”

“Of course, I am perfect.” came the response. “In fact, I can hear much more than human ears can. I can hear those who are playing and singing in perfect rhythm and pitch but who are still out of tune.” Immediately, 1 Corinthians 13:1 came to mind, “Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become as sounding brass or a clanging cymbal.”
Then it struck me that beyond the external sounds, God is listening to the rhythm and tune in our hearts. Many of us faithfully go to church or attend bible study or serve in a ministry. But how many of us can honestly say this everytime: “I’m going to church / bible study / serving today because I’m just overwhelmed by His love. Period.”

If we would constantly nurture a loving relationship with the Lord and let His love overflow into everything we do (instead of running on our own strength or running on empty), we would not be easily distracted by what others do around us.

It’s time we put equal (or rather, more) emphasis on improving our spiritual pitching. Have you ever wondered how you sound to God?

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